Diet for a dog – 4 things it must not be missing!
A good diet for a dog is balanced and rich in nutritional value. But what does it actually mean? In order to explain today, we are discussing four things that must not be missing from your pet’s food in order for it to enjoy health and well-being.
Taking care of your dog’s diet is your responsibility!
Well-balanced meals, based on high-quality ingredients, are a source of energy for the pet and more. And if the food is additionally tasty, the pooch will experience the same pleasure that we experience when enjoying a meal. Since under the current conditions he is not able to get valuable food for himself, this responsibility falls on you as a caregiver. And it’s worth remembering!
What must a dog eat?
The basic building block of the body. It takes part in the broadly understood development of the dog’s body, so it is very important especially in the first months of the dog’s life. However, this ingredient should not be omitted from an adult dog’s diet, as it is thanks to it that its body regenerates.
• Complete protein is found in meat, but not only there! Today, we can draw on the large availability of vegetarian dog treats that offer plant-based protein, for example from peas or soybeans.
A source of energy needed both to maintain basic life functions and to play and learn. And while many myths have arose around carbohydrates, let’s remember that they are essential for the sake of good health. When consumed in optimal amounts, they do not lead to overweight, and coming from good quality ingredients, they do not irritate your pet’s digestive system.
• Carbohydrates are found primarily in vegetables and grain products.
It’s all about the so-called good fats, or unsaturated fats. They contribute to the pet’s immune system and inhibit inflammatory processes. They are beneficial for the condition of the skin and coat. They are essential for the absorption of key vitamins soluble precisely in fats.
• Dogs need two types of fatty acids: omega-3, the source of which is meat, and omega-6 – these are found most in vegetable oils.
Vitamins and minerals
In addition to basic nutrients, a dog’s diet must include essential vitamins and minerals. All of them are very important, but vitamins A, D3, K and E are considered especially essential for pets. Unfortunately, there are not enough of them in most of the widely available ready-made foods, so you should consider supplementation or building a dog’s menu from scratch, including not only meat, but also vegetarian snacks.